It’s official. March 23rd sees the opening of the Blue Frog Therapy Centre. It’s been a year in the making and with the final touches being made I can finally announce the news.

***click here for information about how we are managing the March 2020 health crisis***
Most importantly I am not going far. In fact the new place is 38 bootham, once Garden of Eden florists and only around 100 metres from Millers Yard.
Parking will be more straightforward than ever and you can still use the cycle lock in millers yard. Marygate car park will be the place of choice to park- not only is it less expensive than bootham row (radio York) but you only need pay on exit so staying longer than you intended couldn’t be more simple. Also the evening rate is reduced and there are many many spaces. You may have noticed that bootham row car park has undergone changes and has often no space and increasingly irate people trying to park.
It’s a sad day to be leaving Millers Yard, Blue frogs home for 5 years but just wait to see what we have in store.
The new place has three prepared treatment rooms (mine is still on the ground floor) complete with all the familiar comforts you will recognise. There’s a relaxing and waiting area too and a ground floor bathroom.
Instructions for parking will all be very clear on your confirmation email and your reminder email so you have no concerns before your first session.
So whats new? Well…… I (Ben) have designed (not true i have had a lot of help from an amazing designer of Plaskitt and Plaskitt) the place from the ground up, creating a space that would be the kind of place I would visit could I choose to. There’s an area to relax, complete with relaxing chairs which offer you a little sanctuary after your session. You can still take your time, chat with Me (or one of our new therapists) and drink your tea as you are used to but now you can also take your choice of tea with you from the treatment room if you like and enjoy some time relaxing before you go on your way into the world in a quiet and private space.
There’s a weighted blanket for you too which is super relaxing.
There’s filtered and chilled water to drink while you relax or wait for your session too.
Theres a Vanity station with mirror and some accoutrements to assist your post treatment look and the whole area is softly lit, carefully warmed and soothed with music.
Not just this, but there is more to come too. I shall keep that under wraps for now but suffice to say that there are other exciting things in development.
I will be introducing guest therapists as well as inviting some of my favourite therapists to join Blue frog. That means you’ll see some changes to the website and one or two new faces but you’ll always be able to book your preferred person so you can still make sure you see me, or always avoid me even! The online payment system will be updated too to make it easier to pay ahead if you like, to get vouchers and pay for courses. There will be lots of new photos to see what’s new too.
To add to the comfort and peace, the Blue frog therapy centre will include some other new comforts. The main door will be open to you and you alone. You will use a 4 pin entry code to enter the building. Your booking confirmation, reminder email and your text will have this code so you can have it to hand whenever you have need of it.
So there it is. I’m really proud of the design work that has gone on and how the place has come together and i hope you will feel comfortable and share in how special it is.