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Standard Operating procedures for guidance and hygiene procedures

Standard Operating procedures for guidance and hygiene procedures



In summary:

masks only advised to be worn by therapist when in contact with client

Microbe shield still maintained

Advised sanitising of own items brought in for therapists

Door code form now about presence of clients and vouchers but still being used

No temperature check


Useful links:


Door code form for entry


Voucher Portal


must be checked by the corresponding therapists to ensure validity and value  

vouchers must be redeemed using the above ‘portal’ in order to receive payment for sessions. Payments from vouchers will be included in monthly invoices and deducted from rent owing where applicable.  Expired vouchers will not have payment sent (expiry applies to when session is performed and not when booked)


  • Key lock front door and all lights etc off when building empty
  • Room lights etc. off when leaving building (turning off everything with entrance button hold)

In the above example:

ground floor / room 1: room is occupied 

Rm2: session in progress

Rm3: room empty


****If all lights visually match Rm 3 (in example image) then building can be shut down with button hold and use key to lock door on exit ****

  • All fire doors and windows closed at end of day
  • Entrance, external door and kitchen security cameras are in place for insurance and security measures. Recordings are encrypted, not stored locally and only viewed when deemed necessary by Ben, who is the only person with access.
Therapist requirements
  • Sanitise hands (Zoono) on entry
  • Sanitise/wash hands and arms passed elbow after and before close contact services
  • Aprons provided for close contact services, use at therapists discretion
  • Advised to sanitise equipment you bring in to centre and that you will be using e.g. mobile phone and case, laptop, eyewear, watch.
  • Inform Ben promptly if you take the last bottle of oil, cleaning wipes or any other consumables/perishables so he can replenish to avoid disruption
  • Masks optional but still provided
  • Remove ALL clean linen (in green bags) from kitchen before taking in dirty, put in machine and turn on machine immediately (delayed start timer can be used)
  • Supervise exit of clients and ensure door is closed and locked
  • Consultation time is added to the session and does not take time from therapy – client advised if reaching limit (Ben suggests 15 minutes max but only advisable not enforced)
Client supervision and requirements of all clients and visitors (except delivery)
  • Door code form still in use
  • Clients advised to wear masks but not enforced
  • Client must sanitise hands with our sanitiser upon each entry.
  • Clients to enter alone unless required to have supervision for safety reasons (for example supervision of under 18 by parent/guardian). In the case of supervision the ’other’ person may wait in reception after being informed it is a quiet space so to minimise noise where possible, no mobile phone conversations. (Waiting in treatment room is at therapists discretion)
  • No animals permitted in the building (with exception of service animals e.g. seeing-eye dog). Any such animals need to be notified to Ben before first visit only.
Laundry Procedures (designed to reduce time and effort)
  • Transport dirty linen in blue bags (bag can then be returned to linen box and reused. (Excellent Hygiene standards apply, but not necessary to seal bag)
  • Laundry service for cream sheets pick up (taken from basement) on Monday and Thursday   –  Clean linen placed by client toilet door- please move as soon as able to clean linen cupboard and place blue bags in basement. (Tuesday and Friday drop off)
  • Clean brown sheets put away before leaving for the day
  • Used brown linen washed – “cotton” wash, “cupboard” dry (no more than 4 peoples worth in each machine) Instructions written on top of machine in kitchen for reference. 
  • Blue laundry bag for dirty only, store in basement
  • Green laundry bag for clean only, store in kitchen sink cupboard
  • Used Cream sheets stored in blue bag in basement (not in black bins).
  • Black Aprons washed (not on to dry) at 40 degrees with detergent, removed and hung (Washed whenever enough, can be done during the day)
  • Excess brown linen left in treatment room box overnight. 

Centre Cleaning Procedure

For information:

Weekly deep clean on Tuesday or Wednesday morning

21 day microbe shield sprayed on:

  • Buttons
  • Chairs in treatment rooms and relaxation area
  • Door handles inside and out
  • Door opening panels
  • Washing machine door, button panel, rim of machine, top surface 
  • Kitchen floor around washing machines 
  • Toilet lock, toilet, toilet flush, toilet top
  • Entrance lock panel
  • Stools
  • Face cushion
  • Couch cover
  • Towel warmer door handle
  • Floors in front of couch and chair
  • Stairs banister
  • Table in relaxation area
  • Foot stools
  • Black bench

As a therapist in The Blue Frog Therapy Centre I expect you to take responsibility for your clients’ actions and follow the measures I have outlined in order to protect them, you and fellow therapists from risk of infection and/or poor hygiene. I expect you to follow excellent practices of hygiene and safety. The procedures here ensure protection and must be followed in line with your contractual agreement. 

Cleaning after clients (guide only)
  1. Open treatment room door and remove all contaminated linen, place in bag in box in treatment room
  2. Use wipes from green pack to wipe down dirty linen storage box lid and rims, couch cover, face cushion, buttons, card payment machine, stool, bolsters, oil bottle, and any other touched surfaces in treatment room (Standard hygiene procedures due to microbe shield: couch face cushion, bolsters, couch cover)
  3. Clean linen can be brought out and made ready for next client
Hygiene and safety

Pre covid cleaning measures should be continued to maintain normal hygiene practices. We would normally have wiped things clients touched.

  • Contaminated/unclean items/laundry only in kitchen at end of day after clean removed (except aprons)
  • Place cups upside down in wrapping when stacked in kitchen
  • Do not leave cutlery or items in sink- rewash before putting away if left out
  • Own used disposable drinking cups covered with lid if left in kitchen  pen for labelling on back of kitchen door. 
  • Follow these procedures at all times
  • Ensure that you report any issues to Ben immediately by written message, not voice recording
  • When in shared spaces such as reception or stairwell, and client notification light is on (purple bulb), keep conversation as quiet as able and remind clients is a quiet area if necessary 
  • Extra supplies can be found in labelled kitchen cupboard . E.g. cups, oil, wipes etc.
  • Collaboration is encouraged at all times. Feedback, suggestions and creativity is encouraged and while this standard operating procedure manual must be followed at all times, please share ideas for modification and alterations so the procedures can be updated and to make our lives easier and more productive. 
  • There are brown towels and cream sheets to use in the top room cupboard  should there be a shortage of towels in the linen cupboard.  Follow same procedures to store, clean and put away. 



  • MM slash DD slash YYYY



Blue Frog Therapies
07584 550448
Blue Frog Therapy Centre, 38 Bootham, York. YO30 7BL

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